Secondary school

Extensive fundraising activities in early 2012 ensured that the construction of the first phase of the secondary school could be started in July 2012. Also in that year, groups of Dutch people went to Chawolo to assist at the start of the construction. At the beginning of 2013, the construction of three classrooms for secondary education was completed and the secondary school started in March 2013 with 12 pupils in the first class and 14 pupils in the second class. There were more interested parents, but they wanted to wait for the results of this school before enrolling their child.
In 2016, the 2nd phase was started. The number of classrooms was not expanded by three classrooms, but thanks to a creative layout and small classrooms, it was possible to build five classrooms. In this way, the children from the highest grades of secondary school can receive their lessons separately.
The high school curriculum consists of two levels; namely O (Ordinary) and A (Advanced) levels. The O-level consists of four years of education followed with an exam and after which students with sufficient credits can move on to the A-level for another two years of education. At the end of 2015, the first children took the exam for the O-level and at the end of 2017 for the A-level.